Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/323

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unto our lives a rich token of the love of God—of the motherly affection, the fatherly protection, of God. The dear one, so charming to our eyes and so enchanting to our hearts—that is the call, the compelling call, to us that we do turn to Him, the Giver of all good, in profound reverence, and praise and glorify Him with boundless gratitude. He has vouchsafed this priceless boon unto this home, this circle of relations and friends, this ancient and honoured House; and yet He asks for no return, He looks for no acknowledgment from us. However, the intense craving, the irrepressible longing, of our grateful hearts impels us to thank Him, to praise Him, to glorify Him; for He is the good God, the gracious Giver of all good.

The sages have seer, and said that this entire creation is indwelt and inspired by God; and we have been taught, it has been brought home to us, that this wide-spread universe is the sacred temple of the supreme Deity. When exalted to this blessed consciousness, wherever we be, we