Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/328

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Thee, we praise Thee, we blesss Thee, we glorify Thee. Hallowed, hallowed be Thy name!

Hymn—Dinamadi sudinamugada (Telugu)

This home is ours, only so far as Thou dwellest in it with us; this home is ours, only so long as we dwell in Thy happy company. This home is ours that we might be privileged to make it Thy abode. From Thee it comes as Thy gift and blessing, to be rendered back unto Thee as a love-token and a thank-offering. This home is dear for Thy sake and happy as indwelt by Thee. May this strengthening, sanctifying sense of our living in Thine own abode, abide with us always, filling our whole hearts and shaping our entire lives, everywhere and at all times! Carried, as though on the wings of the winds, we go from here to what are called far-off-places; but there, too, Thou art as surely and clearly manifest as here; and we feel perfectly at home. Indeed, we have not gone, we can never go, to an unknown land; since we can never go away from Thee, we can never roam