Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/340

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he be the loving brother unto all those that count as kith and kin, and the benevolent care-taker unto all those that number among the well-wishers and dependents, of this family. Likewise, may these six beloved nurslings grow together as the darlings of grace, achieving for this ancient and illustrious House an imperishable name for love and service! And these dear, pure ones, may they grow sweetly and securely in Thy love, Thy wisdom and Thy holiness! And not only these six, but also and likewise, these threescore and more,*[1]made dear unto us even through the inspiration of Thy love, these fair blossoms, may they grow into the full fruit, of Thy mercy! From the heart of the desert Thou callest forth the living spring; in the centre of the gloom Thou kindlest the shining stars; out of the deeps of despair Thou churnest up the nectar of hope; even thus, amidst our arid apathy Thou hast

  1. * The 'children' of the Maharajah's Orphanage, present at the Service.