Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/352

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Thou the Lord of our hearts, Thou the sanctified Spouse of all Souls, Thou the resplendent, effulgent Glory ! We come to Thee, we draw near to Thee, we longingly seek Thy holy feet to adore Thee, to be wholly, absolutely, eternally dedicated and consecrated unto Thee. Thou the Charmer of our hearts ; Thou the Enrapturer of our souls ! Our highest happiness, our grandest glory, our sweetest delight and our serenest peace — all, all are found eternally to abide in Thee, haloed with the unquenchable radiance of the stars above and adorned with the unfading beauty of the flowers below. Thou the Prananadha of our hearts, so charming, so captivating, so absorbing unto our hearts ! And in this first dawn of the day, as the world around is reposed in refreshing slumbers, preparing for a newer life, a holier joy, we come here to sing and glorify