Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/360

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our needs, and wants. Oh Beloved One, how can we adequately thank Thee? Is it not sufficient unto Thee that each object grows by itself and not in a chain of antecedents and consequences ? Even as bubbles rise by themselves on the surface of the deep, may we not spring into existence on the surface of Thy illimitable life? But no ; Thou wouldst not only multiply life but also generate love. Thou designest not merely the increase in numbers but also the intensity of life and love. Thus Thou createst this thrice-happy relationship of parent and child. Seemingly standing aloof, Thou art really planning, designing, shaping, ushering, guiding, completing, blessing the whole process of life — individual life, family life, communal life, national life, universal life, all-inclusive, all-comprehensive life. We render thanks unto Thee as Thou hast brought Thyself once again to our homes and hearts and souls as the Giver of light, as the Vouch-safer of light, as the Parent-Source and Eternal Spring of light, the indwelling