Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/399

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aided and abetted the worst prejudices of the people, the immortal saint of Nuddea stands forth, encircled by a halo of glory, as one of the most dauntless heroes the world has ever produced. Nothing but a most unshaking faith in the triumph of truth, nothing but an unflinching courage of conviction, could have achieved the easy victory over an inveterate foe that has been bafflling the richest resources of some of the most accomplished sons of India. Let Chaitanya's degenerate countrymen, in all shame, confess to themselves that, with one bold stroke, a solitary ascetic could eradicate what they all hate yet embrace, abhor yet fondle. Let succeeding generations, when they shall have wiped out this pestilence from the country, yield the crown of glory to one who, long before their appearance, had achieved their victory. Soon after this renunciation of caste, Chaitanya suggested to his followers the advisability of preaching the faith from door to door; and the noble work was at once taken up by Nitya-