Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/402

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made his way to Setubundh Rameswar. Wherever he went, his sacred presence was a compelling call to the people to bow down to him and join his faith. From Rameswar, Chaitanya retraced his steps to Madras; where, it is said, he had a conversation with several Pandits. Thence he found his way, through dangerous tracts, into the Deccan; and passing over the Western Presidency and Guzarat and visiting various places of renown and interest, returned to Pooree after several years. His arrival there was marked with a joyous welcome from his disciples. Vaishnavas from different parts of Bengal repaired to Pooree in large numbers to get a sight of their leader. The king of Orissa himself solicited a visit; but what has a recluse to do with the pomp of royalty? Undaunted by a cold reply, the king personally repairs to the sage in a Vaishnava's dress and touches the saint's feet in all humility. Moved by this depth of piety, Chaitanya cordially embraces the visitor; but his wonder is simply to be imagined