Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/417

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of his soul shone through all disabilities and discouragements. He rose to high distinction in the Government Educational Department. But the glory which it was his to achieve was more of the heart than of the head; it lay more in the depth of affection and the vigour of character than in the height of the intellect. To him was given the noble privilege of following, in more than one respect, in the track of the great Rajah Rammohan Roy; which might, we think, be partly ascribed to his early and intimate association with the famous Thathvabodhini Sabha, of which the founder and central figure was that true saint of God, Maharshi Devendranath Tagore, the Chief Minister (Pradhanacharya) of the Indian Theistic Church for the last half-century. And though this connection with the noted Sabha ceased after a time in its religious activities, Vidyasagar was always in deep sympathy with the Brahma Samaj iii its social reforms. In fact, latterly, losing all confidence in his "orthodox" countrymen, he looked upon that