Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/422

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the down-trodden widow from "hallowed" social tyranny, and in carrying on a throttling-struggle with the monster of Kulinism which exacted its iniquitous maiden tribute in Bengal, he has set a glorious example of patriotism and benevolence — of nobility of aim, singleness of purpose, unflinching moral courage and far-reaching liberality-which few may feebly match but none can ever surpass. The Government conferred upon him the title of C.I.E., and the Calcutta University the honor of a Fellow; but far more lasting and far wider known than what lies in the virtue of any honor or title, or in the durability of any "storied urn" or "animated bust," will be the immortality of Vidyasagar in the loving hearts and grateful memories of the sons and daughters, for generations to come, of this ancient land for whose intellectual, social and moral progress and happiness he worked throughout his long life with such matchless courage and exemplary disinterestedness.

Such have been the two renowned sons