Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/442

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And 'masterly' was the method adopted by Dr. Miller in his work.Ho clearly and fully recognised the respective shares of the master and the student in the task prescribed. There be some teachers who seem wholly to cater to their own personal enjoyment, oblivious of the wants of their pupils; and they achieve only 'wondering blanks.' There are, again, not a few who completely obliterate the living selves, teacher and taught alike,, in the lifeless routine of teaching; and they produce only 'mechanical automatons.' Dr. Miller, however, was the model Upadhyaya—the guiding fellow-student, the path-finding companion. With legitimate pride he refers, in one of his 'messages' to the College-Day Association, to the fact that his College was the pioneer, despite many gloomy forebodings, in instituting 'a consulting-room;' and it did one's heart good to see, after the College hours, that veritable 'beehive' of eager students, diligently preparing the task for the morrow. Yet, as against the latter-day exhortations to leave