Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/53

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off to their respective tasks and through their conjoint watch and work win the great victories of life. In fine, it is that attuning of the soul to the processes of nature as the chosen purposes of God, which ought to make every man what only an occasional sage now is — the interpreter of life in the terms of eternity and the beautifier of earth as the corridor of Heaven. Applied to social life, purity is complete submission, whole-hearted homage, soul - deep obeisance, to what the sublimest English poet has named "the sun-clad power of chastity." It is a call to the spouse to rejoice in the spouse, and a command to the parent to be pure amidst pleasure. It is a recognition of the stern truth that the righteousness which exalteth a nation has its secret strength in 'a well-governed and wise, appetite,' regulated by the 'holy dictate of spare temperance.' It is a caution to the commu-nity that 'to hastening ills a prey' is tiiQ land. where the heat of passion is preferred to the warmth of love, and the