Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/93

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Bhandarkar will suffice : "I have always been of the opinion that he who patronises dancing-girls does not sufficiently hate the immoral life which they professedly lead, or value as highly as he ought to do female purity, which is the soil on which the noble qualities of women grow. The institution of nautch cannot but have a debasing effect on the morality of men and women. I shall not, without strong proof, believe in a man's being a faithful husband, if he takes delight in giving nautch-parties and attending them. To have a nautch at one's own house is to give an object-lesson in immorality to the boys and the girls in the family, especially to the former. As long as nautch is fashionable among us and is freely indulged in, it is impossible that the morality of men should greatly improve, and our respect for women should increase." Wise words these that put the matter in a nutshell. With them, not inappropriately, may go Bishop Welldon's thoughtful observation that "the cause of morality in India would