Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/59

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advantages in which only one class of colleges can mostly, if not wholly, participate, place those colleges on a vantage-ground? The Council of Affiliated Colleges, whose sole function is to look to the interests of the Affiliated Colleges, will have, as its first duty, to give the most earnest attention to this question. The Act provides for the establishment of ‘University Centres’. The need for their establishment is thus recognised from the very commencement of the new operations. The Affiliated Colleges can, in my humble opinion, escape deterioration mainly through the creation of such Centres of University efficiency. The Council of Affiliated Colleges should presently set about the work of investigating the situation and formulating definite proposals. A ‘settled fact’ has been loyally accepted but that does not argue that the apprehensions of injury have been disproved. My esteemed friend, the Revd. Principal Meston, expects the establishment of one University, if not of more, in the regions outside the metropolis, before the close of the first quinquennium. May the expectation prove a prophecy!—2.