Page:The Methodist Hymn-Book Illustrated.djvu/107

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there are none so savoury to me as Mr. George Herbert s and Mr. George Sandys s. Charles I found comfort in these Psalms when a prisoner at Carisbrooke Castle. Lord Falkland wrote a eulogistic preface, and Burney, Montgomery, Conder, and Holland regard it as the best metrical version. Its poetical grace exercised a great influence on later translations. Mont gomery describes the Psalms of Sandys as incomparably the most poetical in the English language, and yet they are scarcely known. This is his paraphrase of Psalm cxlviii.

Hymn 82. Good Thou art, and good Thou dost.


Hymns for Children, 1763, No. 99 ; Works, vi. 461. The latter half of the hymn, Thou the great, eternal Lord.

Hymn 83. Father, how wide Thy glory shines ! ISAAC WATTS, D.D. (3).

In florae Lyricae, 1706. Headed God glorious and sinners saved. Wesley included it in Psalms and Hymns, 1738-41.

Hymn 84. All praise and thanks to God most High. JOHANN JAKOB SCHUTZ (1640-90) ; translated by Miss


1 Sei Lob und Ehr dem hochsten Gut, is one of five hymns published In his Christliches Gcdenckbiichlrin, 1675, and is founded on Deut. xxxii. 3, with the heading Hymn of Thanksgiving. It has nine stanzas.

This hymn attracted unusual attention from its first appearance, and has played a large part in the religious life of Germany.

Miss Winkworth s translation is in her Lyra Gcrmanica, Second Series, 1858. She does not give Schiitz s last stanza. Three of her verses are here omitted. 383 is Miss Cox s translation of the same hymn.

Schutz was born at Frankfurt-on-Main, studied at Tubingen, and practised with distinction as an advocate in his native city. He was the friend of P. J. Spener, and had much to do with the Collegia Pietatis, or prayer-meetings, which Spener started in 1670, and which are regarded as the beginning of Pietism. Schutz became a Separatist, and ceased to attend the Lutheran services.

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