Page:The Mikado or the town of titipu.djvu/8

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This very day
From school Yum-Yum
Will wend her way,
And homeward come,
With beat of drum
And a rum-tum-tum,
To wed the Lord High Executioner!
And the brass will crash,
And the trumpets bray,
And they'll cut a dash
On their wedding day.
She'll toddle away, as all aver,
With the Lord High Executioner!
Nank. and Pooh.And the brass will crash, &c.
It's a hopeless case,
As you may see,
And in your place
Away I'd flee;
But don't blame me—
I'm sorry to be
Of your pleasure a diminutioner.
They'll vow their pact
Extremely soon,
In point of fact
This afternoon
Her honeymoon
With that buffoon
At seven, commences, so you shun her!
All.And the brass will crash, &c.

[Exit Pish-Tush.

RECIT.—Nanki-Poo and Pooh-Bah.

Nank.And have I journeyed for a month, or nearly,
To learn that Yum-Yum, whom I love so dearly,
This day to Ko-Ko is to be united!
Pooh.The fact appears to be as you've recited:
But here he comes, equipped as suits his station;
He'll give you any further information.

[Exeunt Pooh-Bah and Nanki-Poo.

Enter Chorus of Nobles.

Behold the Lord High Executioner!
A personage of noble rank and title—
A dignified and potent officer,
Whose functions are particularly vital!
Defer, defer,
To the Lord High Executioner!

Enter Ko-Ko attended.