Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/193

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"But it can't be made," Trafford said, as if he were waking from his lethargic condition. "I've told you what kind of a man it was that did this murder, and when the murderer is discovered, as discovered he will be, you'll find I've described him correctly. Those papers caused this murder and caused it because they were a menace to some one. That some one couldn't have been Oldbeg——"

"Yet the public mind is impressed with Oldbeg's guilt and, if I mistake not, the jury is as well."

"You overlook the fact that nothing regarding these papers has appeared in the testimony."

McManus looked up suddenly as the fact was recalled to him.

"That's so," he said. "We've discussed them so much that I had entirely lost sight of the fact. Of course, that'll free Oldbeg when it is brought out in testimony."

"If it is brought out," Trafford said.

"But surely," McManus urged; "you will not let so important a matter pass—let alone the fact that it is the cause of injustice to Oldbeg, who surely has suffered enough already."