Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/243

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"as you have to throw suspicion on these gentlemen, simply because of the coincidence of my meeting them during a hasty visit to Millbank on the night that Wing was murdered. It would be just as reasonable to suspect me of the murder."

"It is possible that I do," said Trafford.

"Come," exclaimed Matthewson, "this is going a trifle far. It's not five minutes since you said you were satisfied I did not murder him."

"But that was before you refused to tell me whom you met."

Just at that moment a loud voice was heard in the outer room, demanding to see Mr. Matthewson. He rose and turned the key in the door, notwithstanding a movement on Trafford's part to stop him. As he turned to his desk, Trafford asked:

"Do you recognise the voice?"

"No," said the other, shortly and indignantly; "but I propose to finish this matter here and now, so that there will be no need to reopen it."

"That's Cranston, the detective whom you, your brother, and Charles Hunter have hired," said Traf-