Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/285

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them in the hope of saving his life. They've killed Theodore. Don't let them kill any more folks. Burn them, burn them, when you get hold of them!"

"But you want me to catch Mr. Wing's murderer, don't you? You want him sent to Thomaston?"

"Yes; yes!" Her eyes blazed with the desire of revenge. "Don't let him escape! But burn the papers!"

He lingered still, though he felt that he was wasting precious time. He seemed to be in the one place of safety, and a strange dread, which he knew foreign to his nature and profession, assailed him. He had never experienced it before and it seemed a premonition of coming evil. As he turned finally to go, she said again:

"Don't move alone. You can't do better than take Mr. McManus's advice. The judge had every confidence in him, and so, I think, had Theodore. You'll be safer if some one knows what you are doing. Tell him everything and keep somebody by you all the time. Catch Theodore's murderer, and