Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/292

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"That'll come in time. I've not wanted to take too many into my confidence, and there's no danger of their running away. Of course, if there'd been any possibility that this visitor was the murderer, 'twould be different, but as you'll see, there isn't."

"But he may have instigated the murder, without actually firing the shot," said McManus. "You must pardon me, Mr. Trafford; but I can't help feeling you've shown yourself somewhat derelict in this important matter."

"I hope I'll be able to exonerate myself before I finish," said Trafford. "At any rate, let me go on. The matters these men had to discuss were of such interest that the visitor came near missing the mid-*night train, which might have subjected me to the necessity of having him arrested, since he would then have been in town when the murder occurred. As it was, by hurrying through the alley between the post-office and Neil's store, they got the train, the stranger coming from behind the potato warehouse, as has been testified. His companion remained there, or he might have been recognised by Oldbeg."