Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/296

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done quickly. Perhaps he knew that if he took time for thought, he wouldn't have the courage or resolution to do the work. He went to the door where he had rung early in the evening, and rang the same bell. Then he stepped on to the grass east of the doorstep and waited, with the pistol he had found ready in his hand."

"Are you certain on that point?" demanded McManus.

Trafford stopped and looked at McManus, as if pondering that question. Finally he answered:

"I think so. He probably had a pistol of his own, but I'm confident he used the one he'd found. Everything points to his being a shrewd, keen man, and naturally he would not use his own pistol when he had another in his pocket."

McManus nodded, indicating that Trafford was to take up the story.

"Wing came to the door, as before. He did not bring a lamp, but left the doors open behind him. Seeing no one, he stepped out on to the door-stone, when the man in hiding pressed the pistol against his temple and drew the trigger at the same instant.