Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/54

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I was to call fur him thar; an' he was so late we couldn't get round to the station, an' so we made a short cut through Gray's Court an' jest catched the train, an' that was all. We had to run, or he'd 'a' missed it any way. So I come back that way, instead o' through Somerset Street."

"Then you came through Canaan Street to River Road——"

"No, I didn't," the other interrupted. "I cut across lots back o' Burgess, 'cause 'twas shorter, an' struck River Road down in front of Miller's."

"Yes; and then came up to the driveway and so into the house?"


"You must have got in about ten minutes after twelve."

"Jest to a dot!" he exclaimed in evident admiration of the other's shrewdness. "Jest to a dot. I looked to my watch an' 'twas jest ten minutes arter midnight."

"Then you must have passed close to the side-*door step?"