Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/60

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recognise the distance between a detective and an attorney.

Trafford opened the drawer mechanically, then closed it and took out indifferently one of the packages of letters. These he returned and closed and locked the door, which he examined again with care. Then he pushed to the heavy outer door, turning the knob slowly and as if he was studying the fall of the wards.

"If it had been planned to leave no trace," he said, as if to himself, "it would be a success. Have you a suspicion of the motive for this murder, Mr. McManus?"

"So far as I can see, it was motiveless," McManus answered. "I can only conclude that it was the work of a lunatic, or a mere murder fiend. It was, in my opinion, merely an accident that it was Mr. Wing and not some one else."

"I hadn't thought of that aspect of the case," Trafford said. "Is there any unfortunate creature of that kind about here?"

"No, not that I know of; but might it not be a stranger that has wandered here?"