Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/62

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after the pay; I'm after punishment for the murderer. As long as our wishes run in the same line——"

Trafford interrupted him:

"When a case is placed in your hands, you expect to manage it, I assume. This case has been placed in my hands, and as long as it remains there, I shall conduct it in my own way. That doesn't mean I won't take advice; it simply means, I'll be the one to decide what I'll do with it."

The two men faced each other for the moment almost with hostility. Then McManus's face lightened and he held out his hand without a word of apology:

"You'll do, I guess. If the fellow escapes you, he'd deserve to—if he'd killed anybody but Theodore Wing. Whatever I can do to aid, call on me day or night. At the least, keep me posted."