Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/88

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door back of the coroner, stood as one struck dumb. It was difficult to say what emotion was expressed in his face. Trafford watched him and acknowledged his own uncertainty.

"Do you desire to change your testimony last given?" asked the coroner.

"I've told the truth; I hain't got nothin' to change," he said sulkily.

James Shepard gave his testimony regarding his leaving Millbank and answered the questions put to him with reference to the stranger who took the same train, which, of course, simply led up to his disappearance somewhere between Augusta and Brunswick. Then came the question which all were awaiting:

"Did your cousin give you a pistol the night you left Millbank?"

"Not that I knows on. It's the fust time I ever heerd about it."

"Do you own a pistol?"

"Nope. I hain't got no use fur a pistol an' never had."

"Call William Buckworth."