Page:The Mirror of Alchimy (1597, mirrorofalchimy00baco).djvu/15

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The Myrrour of Alchimy.

and Sulphur for the matter of our ſtone: Neither doth Argent-uiue by it ſelfe alone, beget any mettall, but of the commixtion of them both, diuers mettals and minerals are diuerſly brought foorth. Our matter therefore muſt bee choſen of the commixtion of them both, diuers mettals and minerals are diuerſly brought foorth. Our matter therefore muſt bee choſen of the commixtion of them both: but our finall ſecret is moſt excellent, and moſt hidden, to wit, of what minerall thing that is more neere then others, it ſhuld be made: and in making choiſe hereof, we muſt be very warie, I put the caſe then, yeour matter were firſt of all drawne out of vegetables, (of which fort are hearbs, trees, and whatſoeuer ſpringeth out of the earth) here wee muſt firſt make Argent-uiue & Sulphur, by a long decoction, from which thigngs, and their operation we are excuſed: for nature herſelfe offereth vnto vs Argent-uiue and Sulphur, And if wee ſhould draw it from liuing creatures (of which ſort us nabs bloud, haire, vrine, excrements, hens egs, and what elſe proceede from liuing creatures) wee muſt likewiſe out of them extract Argent-uiue and Sulphur by decoction, frō which we are freed, as we were before. Or if we ſhould chooſe it out of middle minerals (of which ſort are all kinds of Magneſia, Marchaſites, of Tutia, Coppres, Allums, Baurach, Salts, and many other) we ſhould likewiſe, as afore, extract Argent-uiue and Sulphur be decoction: frō which as from the former, wee are alſo excuſed. And if we ſhould take of the ſeven ſpirits by it ſelfe, as Argent-uiue, or Sulphur alone, or Argent-uiue and one of the two Sulphurs, or Sulphur-uiue,
