Page:The Mirror of Alchimy (1597, mirrorofalchimy00baco).djvu/20

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The Myrrour of Alchimy.

that in one thing, to wit, the ſtone, by one way, to wit, decoctiō, and in one veſſel the whole maſtery is performed. And in an other place, patiently, and continually, and in an other place, grinde it ſeuen times. And in an other place, this worke is verie like to the creation of man: for as the Infant in the beginning is nouriſhed with light meates, but the bones beeing ſtrengthened with ſtronger : ſo this maſterie alſo, firſt it muſt haue an eaſie fire, whereby wee muſt alwaies worke in euery eſſence of decoction. And though we alwayes ſpeake of the gentle fire, yet in truth, we think that in gouerning the worke, the fire muſt alwayes be little and little bee increaſed and augmented vnto the end.


Of the qualitie of the Veſſell and Furnace.

THe meanes and manner of working, wee haue alreadie determined : nowe wee are to ſpeake of the Veſſell and Furnace, in what ſort, and of what things they muſt be made. Whereas nature by a naturall fire decocteth the mettals in the Mynes, ſhee denieth the like decoction to be made without a veſſell fitte for it. And if we purpoſe to immitate nature in concocting, wherefore do we reiect her veſſell? Let vs firſt of all therefore, ſee in what place the generation of mettals is made. It doth euidently appeare in the places of Minerals, that in the bottom of the
