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At the Island

gray shore. They could see the white foam of the breaking rollers, and the gray rocks below but there was no sign of motorboat or of any human being.

"We may as well stay right on this hillside, behind the rocks," Chet suggested. "If we go roaming about the shore we're likely to run into Red and his gang."

"Perhaps they've taken their own boats and gone after the Hardy boys."

"They may have. But we can't take a chance on it. If any of them are prowling around it would be just our luck to meet them."

The chums made themselves as comfortable as possible in the shelter of a huge rock, from which they had a good view of the shore and the sea beyond. It was still dark and they had little hope of rescue before morning.

"It'll take them quite a while to get to the mainland and rouse any one to come out here to help us," remarked Chet. "The big thing is for us to keep hidden until daylight and then lay low until we see a chance of rescue."

"You can trust me to lay low. I've no hankering to be dragged back to that cave again."

"Me neither."

The boys lapsed into silence. They realized that conversation was dangerous. At any moment some member of the gang might be