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Flagstaff Route.

To Turkey Tanks  19 miles
Grand Falls Crossing  22 miles
Little Burro  45 miles
Oraibi  18 miles
  104 miles
Middle Mesa  20 miles
Wolpi  10 miles
  134 miles

Charges.—For wagon conveyance, $25 round trip. Board $3 per day, and lodging $1 per night. Or passengers may provide their own outfit and provisions and arrange with liverymen for transportation only. Hotel accommodations, livery and stores at Flagstaff are excellent.

It is also practicable to make the trip from Gallup. This route is not shown on map herein, but is reported to be as below:

To Rock Spring Store   9 miles
Hay Stack Store  12 miles
(Fort Defiance, 9 miles north.)    
Cienega   5 miles
Bear Tank (water 1½ miles north)  20 miles
Cotton & Hubbell's Store (Gañada)  11 miles
Eagle Crag (water 1½ miles north)  23 miles
Steamboat Cañon (water 3 miles north)   8 miles
Keam's Cañon School  18 miles
Keam's Cañon Store   2 miles
Wolpi  10 miles
  118 miles
Middle Mesa  10 miles
Oraibi  20 miles
  148 miles

Charges.—Named on application.