Page:The Monk, A Romance - Lewis (1796, 1st ed., Volume 1).djvu/176

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added, that as this adventurer had given himself out to be a friend of mine, she wished to know whether I had any knowledge of him. I replied in the negative. I had then very little idea, that Alphonso d'Alvarada and the marquis de las Cisternas were one and the same person: the description given me of the first, by no means tallied with what I knew of the latter."

"In this I easily recognize Donna Rodopha's perfidious character. Every word of this account is stamped with marks of her malice, of her falsehood, of her talents for misrepresenting those whom she wishes to injure. Forgive me, Medina, for speaking so freely of your relation. The mischief which she has done me authorises my resentment; and when you have heard my story, you will be convinced that my expressions have not been too severe."

He then began his narrative in the following manner:—