Page:The Monk, A Romance - Lewis (1796, 1st ed., Volume 1).djvu/206

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foot out of the cottage. The servants are safely lodged in the barn. I shall endeavour to keep all quiet till the arrival of our friends. Were I assured of your finding them, the strangers should be dispatched this instant; but as it is possible for you to miss the banditti, I am fearful of being summoned by their domestics to produce them in the morning."

"And suppose either of the travellers should discover your design?"

"Then we must poniard those in our power, and take our chance about mastering the rest. However, to avoid running such a risk, hasten to the cavern; the banditti never leave it before eleven, and if you use diligence you may reach it in time to stop them."

"Tell Robert that I have taken his horse; my own has broken his bridle, and escaped into the wood. What is the watch-word?"

"The reward of courage."

"'Tis sufficient. I hasten to the cavern."

"And I to rejoin my guests, lest my ab-sense