Page:The Monk, A Romance - Lewis (1796, 1st ed., Volume 1).djvu/220

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"Open! open!" exclaimed several voices on the outside of the cottage.

"Yes! yes!" cried Baptiste joyfully; "they are our friends, sure enough. Now then our booty is certain. Away! lads, away! Lead them to the barn; you know what is to be done there."

Robert hastened to open the door of the cottage.

"But first," said Jacques, taking up his arms, "first let me dispatch these sleepers."

"No, no, no!" replied his father: "Go you to the barn, where your presence is wanted. Leave me to take care of these and the women above."

Jacques obeyed, and followed his brother. They seemed to converse with the new-comers for a few minutes; after which I heard the robbers dismount, and, as I conjectured, bend their course towards the barn.

"So! that is wisely done!" muttered Baptiste; "they have quitted their horses,that