Page:The Moslem World - Volume 02.djvu/25

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1 Timothy i. 15.) Many other texts might be quoted. We have said above that the unique character of our Lord Jesus' work for human salvation is found in His sufferings and death. The following texts are cited : Hebrew ii. 9, 10. We must never forget that the sufferings which our Lord Jesus endured in His work of saving men was not all, or chiefly, physical suffering. In proof of this we read the following : Matthew xxvi. 36-38 and Luke xxii. 40-44. This is soul suffering, more awful than any suffering of the body. It was because He carried human sin on His sinless soul, because He stood before a Holy God in the sinner's place that He so suffered. ^2 Corinthians v. 21 ; Isaiah liii. 5, 10-12.) Why it was necessary for Jesus Christ to die in order to save men we can but imperfectly know. But He knew perfectly, and He accepted the necessity, though it rent His soul with agony we cannot describe, agony which we cannot even begm to measure.

2. Jesus Christ claimed the authority, in His own name, to forgive sin. (Mark ii. 5-12).

3. Jesus Christ claimed the power in Himself to work miracles. He did not work them in God the Father's name, as the apostles always did in His name. (Acts iii. 6 ; Mark v. 41).

4. Jesus Christ's teaching was with His personal authority.

5. Jesus Christ claims that it is only through Him that men can be restored to a state acceptable to God. {John xiv. 6 ; xi. 25 ; viii. 12).

6. Jesus Christ claims such oneness with God that to truly know Him was to know Grod. (John viii. 56-58 ; xiv. 9-11).

7. In the New Testament divine honours and divine attributes are ascribed to Jesus Christ, just as in the Old Testament they are ascribed to God. In Genesis i. 1 God is declared to be the Creator of all things. In John i. 3 it is written, " All things were made by Him." This means omnipotence. Omniscience also is ascribed to Him (John ii. 24, 25). Christ is to be the Judge of men at the last day (Matthew xxv. 31-46).

Now note a very remarkable fact. No o