Page:The Moslem World - Volume 02.djvu/51

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revolution of 1908 was the enlightening influences of the missions, schools, and colleges ; indeed, some enthusiasts would go so far as to say that they were the cliief factor. However that may be, a rapidly develop- ing school system, of modern mould, attracting an increasingly large attendance, until an army of 25,000 of the most intelligent and ambitious young lives in the empire were gathered into the Protestant schools of Asia Minor alone, must exercise an immense influence on the destinies of an awakening nation. I need hardlj^ here emphasise the superlative power of the medical and pubUcation work in breaking do^\Ti barriers of prejudice and fanaticism. The doctor is welcomed everywhere, even in the secluded harem ; the book and tract and weekly publication, with the most rehable world news and the Gospel message, find their way into homes never entered b}' the foreigner or his native associate.

Scholarly pastors and teachers, settled in many of the strategic centres of the country, with the frequent visits of the missionary, were elements of transforming power that are hard to estimate. In many cities of importance, after the revolution, the pastors were among the leaders who devoted themselves to the dissemination of all kinds of useful knowledge to an ignorant populace, and guided those rude souls in their quest for light and life.

A further consideration is found in the fact that nearly every large centre throughout the Moslem world has been invaded by the Christian missionary or his native associates. The IMoslem world is being honey- combed by Christian missions. An increasingh' large number of Moslem cliildren are attending mission scliools. The impact of pure Christianity, for the first time, is being brought to bear upon the Mohammedan problem, and it is felt. The Pan-Islamic movement is defensive. In the recent Moslem conferences, the causes of the failure of Islam were freely discussed, and the question asked, how can the decay be stopped ? One learned hod j ah gave fifty-seven reasons for the failure, but I doubt if the real cause was even suggested.

Recently a Moslem chief justice, in speaking