Page:The Musnud of Murshidabad (1704 - 1904).djvu/122

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administration of the Nizamut. His work has been one of steady progress. His successful administration of the estates, his extensive charities, his broad sympathies, catholic in their character and not limited by Caste, creed or nationality, his readiness to help the poor and to succor the distressed, his liberal hospitality, his devotion to public good, his humility, simplicity, kindness, generosity and benevolence, his keen sense of justice tempered with mercy and his amiability have made up a career for him, which every one admires and respects. He is the receipient of the good wishes of the Suzerain and the subject, of the rich and the poor, and of the high and the low, such as no Nawab on the musnud of Murshidabad had the fortune to won. The whole of his resources is for the good of others. In charity he gives, and gives liberally, but silent tears trickle down his cheeks, because he feels he cannot give more.

Old fossilized ideas, that a Nawab need do nothing in the world beyond spending his time and resources for his personal enjoyment, never found encouragement from Nawab Sir Kussan Ali Meerza Bahadur. His Highness has always thought of others before think- ing of himself. Even in the most insignificant daily affair of the distribution of betel, the Nawab Bahadur has his spoon of pestled pan after that leafy luxury in spicy cubes has been served out to all his visitors. To all loyal and benevolent movements, the Nawab Bahadur has always extended his patronage. In his