Page:The Musnud of Murshidabad (1704 - 1904).djvu/82

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young Nawab, at the Killah. Francis Sykes arrived at Moradbagh as Resident at the Durbar and applied to the Nawab to disband his military rabbe main- tained at a cost of eighteen lacs per annum. He explained to Najmuddowla the advantage of accept- ing a stipend and of being relieved from embrassing circumstances. It was arrang-ed that Najmuddowla should get a stipend of Rs. 53,86,161 per annum and the affairs of Government should be placed in the hands of Mahamed Reza Khan, Duilavram and Jagat Sett, the former of whom was charged with the pay- ment of the Nawab's sepoys, horse, servants &c., as also the following- stipends, namely,

Syefuddowla, the Nawab's brother Rs. 7,000 per month.
Mobarukuddowlathe Nawab's brother Rs 5,000 Per month
Miran's son, the Nawab's nephew Rs 5,000 Per month
The Begum and her family Rs 6,000 Per month

The young Nawab was extremely tractable and polite, and Sykes secured from him one hundred and six profitable perwanas, and the Zemindars were put entirely under the authority of the East India Com- pany on whose behalf, the Governor and Council at Calcutta, engaged by a treaty to secure to Najmud- dowla the Subadari of the three provinces of Bengal, Behar and Orissa, and to assist him with their troops in the defence of the provinces.

Najmuddowla confirmed the treaty entered into with Meer Jaffer. The Chuklas of Burdwan, Midna- pore and Chittagong were confirmed to the Company