Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/54

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was before determined how to act: I shall, by degrees, change every servant but yourself; Ernest I shall be obliged to keep until all his accounts are made up, but no longer; then the succeeding domestics, ignorant of my present declaration, and taught to believe highly of my generosity in supporting a brother's family, will learn to estimate us properly, and treat him accordingly.'"

"This, Sir, was verbatim your brother's speech, which Peter applauded in very free words I thought for a servant, and we stole softly out of the room lest we should be discovered. You must have observed, Sir, the servants are all changed, on one pretence or other, and being done without consulting you, proves how little equality of power you have in the house. Madame Lambert went two days ago; my turn will soon come; in truth but for you I care not how soon; but I believe your intention of going into the army has greatly rejoiced him, as it procures your absence without any reflection being thrown on him. Peter has of late