Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/196

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that are superior to falsehood or reserve, such are open to every intelligent person; his is enveloped by no dark schemes, he has no points to carry, no errors to disguise, under a semblance of friendship."

"Well, well," cried the Count, greatly confused, which he sought to hide by a haughty air of contempt, "enough of your faultless man, I wish he may prove a disinterested friend. How long pray may I flatter myself you propose to stay in the Castle?"

"Three days," answered Ferdinand, "if you will permit me to do so."

"Most certainly, if you can spare me so much of your company: I am sorry you will not remain here long enough to witness my nuptials, which will take place within three weeks."

"O, Rhodophil!"—cried Ferdinand, wounded to the soul by a painful recollection, "O, Rhodophil! may your marriage be fortunate and happy; blind, inconsiderate and rash, I have dearly suffered for the impetuo-