Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/7

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away, and to feel humbled before the woman I considered as under obligations to me:—Stimulated therefore by every turbulent passion, I determined she should be mine, be the consequences what they might.

Preparations were made for the marriage; she heard, she saw all, without a single observation; and the day previous to that on which we were to be united, her father informed her, that at twelve the following morning the ceremony was to be performed.

"I shall obey your pleasure, Sir," was all her reply.

"The day came, ten thousand curses on it, and the false, dissembling, artful wretch! But I am revenged." Let me then proceed: "At the appointed hour we assembled in the Chapel adjoining to my Castle, there I received the perjured creature's hand in the moment when she was planning to deceive and destroy my peace for ever! After the ceremony was performed, and we retired to the saloon, she turned to me with an air of solemnity: "I have obeyed my father, Sir,