Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/93

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Here it was resolved upon that Eugenia should reside, until the search naturally expected to be made for her should subside, that she might be enabled to get undiscovered to a convent; and to this place, in this passage, Agnes had already conveyed several necessaries. She had procured, from a long-neglected wardrobe of her master's, a complete suit of man's apparel, with several other precautions taken from time to time previous to that day they were now obliged to decide upon for the execution of their design.

"After the marriage ceremony, when Eugenia retired to her room, she lost no time in escaping to this passage. The window of her apartment was opened that it might be supposed she had escaped from thence into the wood adjoining the garden, and the door, which led through an anti-chamber to a gallery on the other side, was locked on the outside. Agnes accompanied her to the dark passage, where a lamp, a stool, and a piece of matting for her feet, were previously prepared. Eugenia has often mentioned the