Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 3).djvu/186

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in your country; I will attend you through the country to the first sea port, as the safest way of going in the habit of a Janissary, and as a guard deputed to see you on your way to the port. The other person I speak of is a woman, once a Christian, but now a true disciple of Mahomet—I cannot leave her behind. She must travel as your wife; but she must be sacred from your touch; for I swear by Allah, if in any one point you disappoint or deceive me, both shall instantly suffer death, though I were sure to die a thousand times."

"I will answer both for my friend and for myself," replied Ferdinand; 'that we will sacredly keep our faith with you; that we will amply provide both for you and the woman, and enable you to spend the remainder of your days in comfort."

"Enough," replied Heli; "in two days we will be on the road; but fear not that I shall be a burden to you; I am not destitute of riches, though hitherto they have been useless to me, because I dared not spend be-