Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 3).djvu/197

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Heli, to uncloud that face, and permit me to ask your lady a few questions."

Heli complied, but it was with an ill grace, his looks betraying suspicion and vexation.

"You say, Madam," said Ferdinand, "that you are a German.—Have the goodness to inform me who, and what you are;—for I am strongly persuaded you are somehow connected with my father's family.—Do not hesitate," added he, seeing she appeared in great confusion.—"Whoever you are, in me you will find a friend ready to promote your happiness with Heli, since he is the man of your choice."

Those words he repeated in the Turkish language to him, to quiet a little the turbulence of his agitations. After some little hesitation, Fatima began the following little narrative:—

"I have heard my mother say, that I was born in Baden; that my father was a nobleman, who had an estate near that city, and seduced her, at an early part of her life, under