Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 3).djvu/279

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When he returned, he found his friend the Count, and young Reiberg, were still absent; he waited on the Baron, and consulted him about the disposal of the Count's body, until the pleasure of his lady should be made known. The Baron readily undertook to manage that business, and to send a proper person with a shell to remove it from Heli's.

They began to be extremely surprised at the long absence of the others; night came on, and they did not appear, when suddenly a loud knocking revived their spirits; presently they heard a bustle, when four armed men rushed in, and produced their authority to arrest Ferdinand for robbery and murder!

Inconceivably astonished, the Baron and he gazed on each other for a few seconds in silence; but the former first recovering, cried out, "This is a false and malicious charge; I know this gentleman; I can answer for his honour and innocence."

"Very possibly, Sir," replied the principal of them; "but that must be proved; we