Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 3).djvu/8

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am again called upon in the service of my country; I have inquired for a situation where I can entrust the only treasure Heaven has given me; and where you will acquire such accomplishments and female knowledge, as must be necessary for your future provision."

"I shall not dwell on the sorrow which pervaded our bosoms, when the hour came that annihilated all my happiness for ever.—Our little humble dwelling was disposed of; my good old nurse, who had been our only domestic, my father got received into a hospital; and I accompanied him to that convent, where I most fortunately was distinguished by the friendship of Miss D'Alenberg.

"I pass over the years I resided in the convent, as nothing material took place in my affairs, until I was one day suddenly called from the refectory, and informed my father waited for me in the parlour. Surprise and joy almost overcame my senses; I flew to my dear parent, and shed tears of un-