Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/160

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"What do you mean?" said Ferdinand:—"Tell me, how are my dear children?"

"Do not grieve to be told, Sir, that your little daughter is in Heaven. Master Charles is well, and every thing the fondest father can wish him to be. Your little girl has been recalled to its native skies about a fortnight since, no care was wanting, but a weak constitution sunk under the malady of the measles, and—she is at rest."

Seeing Ferdinand was affected, he went on to divert his ideas into another source.—"You must prepare your mind, Sir, for a shocking and interesting discovery, my uncle ———-"

"The good Ernest?" cried Ferdinand.—"I am ungrateful not to have asked for him." "He is wonderfully recovered, Heaven has heard his prayers, and prolonged his life to see the completion of his wishes. Ah! Sir, your brother"—"What of him?" said Ferdinand, starting at the name—"is in a state of distraction; for this week past he raves in-