Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/182

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human nature could be debased by such deliberate malice and unheard of wickedness.

He remained for three hours alone; for he could not see any one, but was at length again summoned to the sick chamber; Rhodophil had again recovered speech, and besought him once more to pronounce him forgiven, and to join Ernest in prayers for him to Heaven.

Poor—poor Rhodophil! On the bed of death, with all the horrors of a guilty conscience, who can describe thy feelings; what lethean draught can silence the inward monitor, than now shrinks trembling from the view of futurity!!!

Most fervent were the prayers they offered to the throne of mercy; he seemed to have a temporary calmness, and at last dropped into a slumber. Ferdinand was persuaded to withdraw; the Countess had ordered a bed for him; he gladly retired to it for a few hours, to recover his spirits.