Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/184

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Those were the last words he spoke.———Violent convulsive hiccups soon came on, which drove the Countess and Ferdinand to their respective apartments, unable to support the last struggle of nature; and in less than a quarter of an hour, the latter was informed the dreadful scene had closed!!!

Thus then expired the unhappy Rhodophil, only seven and twenty years of age.—Ferdinand requested Ernest and Mr. Dunloff to take the management of every thing upon themselves, for he was incapable of giving directions; he entreated them to let the confession of the wretched Rhodophil rest in their own bosoms, and, if possible, never to hint a word relative to the story, on any occasion whatever. This they faithfully promised; and at his request, Mr. Dunloff undertook to write for him to Count M——— and his friends, directing them at the Count's castle; and if he was not arrived, to have them forwarded to Vienna.