Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/256

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hint to the late Count, which I saw alarmed him; I believe he feared and hated me.—Pardon my prolixity, Sir.

"This worthy couple that I was speaking of, were strangers to every one in the Castle but myself. When Madam Claudina opened her mind to me, and resolved to quit the house, I went there, said it was an unfortunate sick Lady and her child, who wished to remain entirely unknown and unseen. They received her with pleasure; there she lived repentant, and her health soon fell a sacrifice to the remembrance of her errors. The news of your death closed the scene."

"And where is this worthy pair at present?" asked Ferdinand.

"In the same house, Sir."

"Who supports them?"

"Their wants are very few; their little garden and a cow supply the chief of them."

"And you the rest, good and respectable man! (cried Ferdinand) what a heart is yours! Kings might envy your feelings, for justice and charity preside over them."