Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/263

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key.—Thus ended all future concern, either for Heli, or the robbers.

Peter, who had been valet to Rhodophil, who had been privy to most of his bad actions, yet had always felt gratitude to Ernest for preserving his life, and to whose information Ernest was often obliged, him Ferdinand could not retain in his family, but in the hope that a grateful mind could not be ultimately a bad one, he settled on him an annuity sufficient to maintain him with comfort, for so long as his conduct should deserve it.

The Gentlemen and their Ladies resided one month with Mr. D'Allenberg after their marriage, and then separated, with a promise of paying each other an annual visit. Louisa, at her own request, remained with Mr. D'Allenberg to supply the place of his daughter.

The Count accompanied Ferdinand and his Lady to Castle Renaud, where the worthy Ernest was presented to the Countess in such flattering terms, that the good creature almost