Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/44

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where we may live in some snug place like a King and a Queen."

"How ridiculous you are! I tell you again, that there you will be plundered by the Turks.—If you are seen to live without employment, they will suppose you rich;—you will be informed against; your head will be off, and your house destroyed in an hour. I have heard enough of their tricks and rogueries—therefore to England I will go: If you don't choose it, let us divide, and do each as we like."

"No, I shan't part with you so; but I am afraid to leave Vienna, because I dare say there's an information against us before now."

"Against us! Pray what have I to do with it—I stole nothing; this casket of jewels is my own property."

"The devil it is: Pray how would you have come at it, after running away with the Count?"

At this moment, two gentlemen were seen coming down a vista; a man and a woman darted out from the building, so close upon