Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/48

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murder, which I heard that wretch who has left us upbraid you for; and I am even tempted to think the robbery was more the impulse of the moment, from the existing circumstances, which you could not foresee, than a premeditated design.

"If you can repent, perhaps you may find friends; follow me, however, I must dodge that woman."

The man obeyed, and gathering up his robes, looked with conscious shame on his dress, now that he was discovered: They walked quick, and soon came in sight of Fatima, who was then walking with her two beaus towards one part of the Island, where lay a small pleasure-boat;—to Ferdinand's infinite astonishment, one of the gentlemen handed her in.

"How," cried he, "has she confessed her sex; or have they penetrated through the disguise?"

The boat put off, and he remained fixed to the spot.